ReMake® – Plastic Credit Program

ReMake® – Plastic Credit Program
Plastic Credits are measurable, verifiable, and transferable units representing a specific quantity of plastic that has been collected from the environment or recycled.

Plastic Offset Credits can help companies take responsibility in creating the conditions of a circular economy, beyond existing reduction and redesign efforts.
GemCorp has complete control over the supply chain of plastic waste to recyclate production. It provides end to end transparency and traceability from collection to recycling. Against these collection and recycling, GemCorp issues ReMake® Plastic Credit certificates.

The Brands / Plastic producers / Consumers can purchase these plastic credit certificates and claim to offset their plastic footprint.

GemCorp will use the proceeds from sale of these to invest in capex to expand the collection system, recycling facilities and a portion of the proceeds to invest in uplifting the reclaimers and other social projects.

GemCorp is developing a standard code of conduct. Any project fulfilling the conditions of the code of conduct can apply for verification by one of the GemCorp approved verification agencies. Upon successful verification, the project will be eligible to issue ReMake® plastic credits through GemCorp’s UniGem platform.